>!-- --> Title IX: Then and Now - National Archives Foundation

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Title IX: Then and Now
  • Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
  • Time: 5:00 pm
  • Location: Online

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the passage of Title IX, join the National Archives Foundation, the Women’s Sports Foundation and NCAA Division 1 Athletic Directors in conversation about the history of Title IX, how this landmark legislation impacted the landscape of women’s athletics, how it changed the trajectory of their personal involvement in sports and how they witness the ongoing influence of the legislation in college athletics and at their institutions.

This program includes a special introduction by Chair and President of the National Archives Foundation, Governor James J. Blanchard on Title IX champion Congresswoman Patsy Mink.

Featured Speakers:

  • Sarah J. Axelson, Vice President, Advocacy,  Women’s Sports Foundation
  • Beth Goetz, Director of Athletics, Ball State University
  • Desiree Reed-Francois, Director of Athletics, University of Missouri