Rightfully Hers Fund

About the Fund

There are countless stories of women often forgotten by traditional history books—and we need your help to continue telling them. Contributions to the Rightfully Hers Fund will provide ongoing financial support for research, public programs, exhibitions, and educational materials focused on amplifying the stories of women who have fiercely advocated for women’s rights.

Rightfully Hers Exhibit

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote was featured at the National Archives Museum from Spring 2019 to Spring 2022. The exhibit dived into untold stories of the suffragists who fought for equal voting rights. Discover their stories and access unique virtual programs, the traveling exhibit, and more.

Records on Women’s History

Women’s Rights Activities

Video Series

As part of the larger initiative to commemorate the 19th Amendment, the National Archives Foundation released this impactful video series that illustrates the sacrifices women have made for equality throughout history and the continued importance of civic participation.

Educator Resources

Elementary School Resources

Fighting for Equality, Esther Peterson Leads the Way on Equal Pay

Girl Scout Citizen and Civic Badges

Middle School Resources

Congress and Harriet Tubman’s Claim for a Pension

Mrs. Bloomer’s ‘Political Disability’

High School Resources

Center for Legislative Archives, In Their Own Words: Women’s Petitions to Congress

The Equal Rights Amendment and You

Shop Women’s History

Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote was made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation through the generous support of Unilever, Pivotal Ventures, Carl M. Freeman Foundation in honor of Virginia Allen Freeman, AARP, AT&T, Ford Motor Company Fund, Facebook, Barbara Lee Family Foundation Fund at the Boston Foundation, Google, HISTORY ®, and Jacqueline B. Mars. Additional support for National Outreach and Programs provided by Denise Gwyn Ferguson, Maggie and Robert Boroujerdi, BMO Financial Group, The Hearst Foundations, Maris S. Cuneo Foundation, FedEx, Bernstein Family Foundation, and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation/Ambassador Fay Hartog-Levin (Ret.).