>!-- --> Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote - National Archives Foundation


Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote

Dates: Friday, May 10, 2019 - Sunday, April 10, 2022

Location: Lawrence F. O'Brien Gallery, National Archives Museum, Washington, DC

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the National Archives launched a nationwide initiative and major exhibition that explores the generations-long fight for universal woman suffrage. Despite decades of marches, petitions, and public debate to enshrine a woman’s right to vote in the Constitution, the 19th Amendment – while an enormous milestone – did not grant voting rights for all. The challenges of its passage reverberate to the ongoing fight for gender equity today.

As the steward of our nation’s memory, we tell the story of the 19th Amendment through a special exhibition in Washington, DC, free public programming, a national traveling exhibitionclassroom displays(distributed to nearly 1,600 schools and libraries), educational offerings (for teachers and students, both off and on-line) and digitization of women’s records. Several initiative components will specifically shine a spotlight on voting as a civic duty – from revealing the often dire consequences faced by non-voting populations to providing the opportunity to register to vote directly from our Museum.  A non-partisan agency, we encourage all to be “election-ready” and exercise their right to vote.

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On June 10, 1919, the very first states (Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan) ratified the 19th Amendment. Follow along with us as we countdown to celebrate each state’s ratification of the landmark Amendment.

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