>!-- --> The Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, 70 Years Later - National Archives Foundation

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The Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, 70 Years Later
  • Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: The McGowan Theater at the National Archives Museum and Online

The 1954 Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education decision altered the landscape of education in the United States. This landmark civil rights decision found that separating children in public schools based on race was unconstitutional. In celebration of the 70th anniversary of this decision, join us for an evening of conversation with former law clerks of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Speakers include Sheryll D. Cashin of Georgetown Law School and Randall L. Kennedy of Harvard Law School, moderated by the Honorable Michael K. Powell, President & CEO, NCTA-The Internet & Television Association.

Welcome and opening remarks will be provided by the Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan, National Archives Foundation Chair Secretary Rodney Slater, and Vice President of Public Policy at Verizon Anthony Lewis

This program is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation through the generous support of Verizon.

Click here to join us in-person at the McGowan Theatre at the National Archives Museum.
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