>!-- --> Our Promise: 100 Years of the American Battle Monuments Commission - National Archives Foundation

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Our Promise: 100 Years of the American Battle Monuments Commission
  • Date: Thursday, December 07, 2023
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: William McGowan Theatre at the National Archives Museum and Online

To mark 100 years of its existence, the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) released Our Promise (56-minutes), a documentary that honors both the sacrifice of the fallen and the dedication of ABMC staff to fulfilling its unique mission. The film showcases the agency’s ongoing work to preserve the legacy of those memorialized at our sites as well as the evolution of its mission into a new century of service.

Established by Congress in 1923, the American Battle Monuments Commission commemorates the service, achievements, and sacrifice of U.S. Armed Forces. ABMC administers 26 overseas military cemeteries and 32 memorials, monuments, and markers.

This is a National Archives and Records Administration Program. This program is brought to you in part by the National Archives Foundation.